Which packaging film is the right one?

Our application technology team will be happy to help. Packaging solutions can be viewed from different angles. What about the sustainability of a film?

film advice

What requirements does the product place on the packaging film?

How must the packaging film be designed so that it runs smoothly over the packaging machine?

What legal requirements do I need to observe?

What is good design-for-recycling?

What different options are there and which one is best for me?

Thanks to the close contact between our application technology department and our film, ink and varnish suppliers, our application engineers are always well informed.

application technology advice

Which film does my packaging machine need?

What do I need to consider regarding the sliding properties of the packaging film? What are the special features of the sealing processes on the packaging machine? Our application technology team will be happy to help here too. Not every packaging film is suitable for every product and every packaging machine. The exact requirements are clarified in a personal conversation with the application technology team to find the optimum solution.

If preliminary tests are necessary, your application engineer will accompany you.

Thanks to many years of experience with packaging machines and film applications, our application technology team has built up a wealth of knowledge that you can draw on.

packaging projects

Our application technology team is also on hand to help and advise you with completely new and unusual ideas.

Talk to us, challenge us and let us work together to find a new, optimum packaging solution for your application.